RCM Industries, 3/4-73-L-10-A-2S2, Flo-Gage 7000 Series 3/4" 316 Stainless Steel Direct Reading Gas Flow Meter, Right to Left Flow Direction, 10 GPM/40 LPM, Viton Seal, 2 Reed Switch SPDT
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Data Sheet
- 3.5" (90mm) 270° analog dial for reading at a glance
- Suitable for use with opaque and clear fluids.
- Measures 6:1 range with ± 3% F.S. accuracy
- Dial and case factory configured for quick installation - but easily field re-configured if needed
- Sturdy, in-line, metal construction to withstand piping stresses
- Dial won't crack, glaze, or become hard to read
- Meters intended for compressed gas service require individual sizing of meter orifices to suit the desired flow rate, gas composition, line pressure, and temperature.
- Dials are marked with the type of gas, specific gravity, line pressure, and temperature.

- The Flo-Gage flowmeter has been developed for industrial applications where durability and reliability are important considerations in the monitoring of flow.
- The Flo-Gage has accuracy for most industrial processes and is particularly suited for applications where compactness, low cost, minimal maintenance, and resistance to accidental damage are important factors.
- Typical applications include lube oil monitoring, blending processes, cooling water, reverse osmosis systems, and compressed air measurement.
Flo-Gage Direct Reading Flowmeter
The RCM Flo-Gage™ is a direct reading flow meter with a large, easy-to-read dial calibrated in engineering units (GPM, SCFM, l/m, etc.). The Flo-Gage measures flow based on a pressure differential created across a built-in calibrated nozzle. The meter is self-contained and complete. It does not require external power connections, separate orifices, blocking purging, or equalizing valves.
The Flo-Gage is suitable for measuring water, oil, and most other low-viscosity liquids that do not deposit out and which are compatible with the materials of construction. The Flo-Gage is also suitable for measuring compressed air, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and many other non-toxic compressed gases. The Flo-Gage can be fitted with a transmitter with current or frequency outputs for remote indication or totalization, or with reed switch contacts for signaling high or low flows.
Connection Detail

Pressure Drop Characteristics:

Cutaway View: