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FLK-A3001 FC Includes Only:
The Fluke a3001 FC Wireless iFlex AC Current Module is a fully functional true-rms current meter that wirelessly relays measurements to the Fluke Connect® mobile app. The a3001 puts the tool, not your body, near live electrical panels. Connect the a3001 FC current module and read the results on your smartphone from a safe distance. You can save and share measurements from the field with your team anytime, from anywhere. Leave your a3001 connected to log measurements and walk away to address other issues. Download the data for further analysis on phone. Record over time to monitor circuit load changes for an hour, a shift or a week. Use the Fluke Connect wireless USB adapter to collect logged data from remote modules by walking past a working module and downloading logged data.When your cabinet is de-energized, attach a Fluke a3001 FC Wireless iFlex AC Current Module to each phase. Close, re-energize and start taking readings in 1/3 of the time. What used to take hours and use costly equipment can be done in minutes with an affordable Fluke Connect wireless system.
Features with all optional accessories:
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