- E-Series pumps operate at 360 strokes-per-minute, providing high resolution chemical feed. Most competitive products operate at slower speeds, resulting in slug feeding, accelerated diaphragm wear and poor feed control.
- All E-Series pumps feature dual bearing support. The armature and shaft are supported with a bearing on each end, which ensures proper axial movement, enabling the E-Series to operate at 360 SPM while extending the life of the diaphragm.
- Dual Check Valve Assemblies in both suction and discharge fittings feature precision ball guides and tapered seats. Precise machining and molding of parts limit valve ball travel, ensuring that balls fully seat and seal with every stroke. This superior check valve design guarantees fast priming and reliableperformance.
- The compression ratio of a metering pump is important because it affects the pump's ability to prime and vent. The compression ratio is raised when you reduce the dead volume of the pump head during operation. All E-Series pumps feature a very high compression ratio that ensures proper feed especially with off-gassing products (i.e. Sodium Hypochlorite).

The EHE is the workhorse of the E-Series metering pumps. EHE Series pumps have outputs up to 20 GPH (75 l/h) and pressure capabilities to 150 PSI (10 bar). Combining the EHE performance with a turndown ratio of 1800:1 yields one of the most versatile pumps in the water treatment industry today. Superior mechanical design and quality manufacturing merge to create a pump better than the sum of its parts. The versatile control features enable the EHE to be integrated into virtually any chemical feed application. The 360 strokeper-minute operation results in high resolution chemical feed and long service life. EHE pumps prime in seconds and hold prime reliably.
A pump's maximum pressure rating times its maximum output at that pressure gives a relative measure of the pump's hydraulic output power, a "power index." The EHE36, with an output of 8.5 GPH at 105 PSI, yields a power index of 892.5. No other electronic metering pump in this range even comes close!
The EHE series does its work extremely well. Hydraulic output is maximized by its economical use of electricity via excellent heat rejection, valves that positively and consistently seat and unique front-and-back support of the armature.
Superior magnetic, electronic, thermal and hydraulic designs have been achieved in the EHE metering pump. The result is a pump that will perform longer at maximum duty than any other comparable pump.
Microprocessor-based Control Circuitry
- Allows operator adjustment of pump speed and external input settings via 4-button keypad.
- Often used in flow proportional systems, such as with a flowmeter contactor. One input pulse can produce 1 to 999 pump strokes.
- Pump can be set to divide (accumulate) pulses by a factor of 1 to 999.
- Programmable 4-20mA input allows for user defined speed control band; user sets minimum and maximum pump speeds.