Xpower Foggers

Resource Description

Xpower ULV Foggers

Xpower ULV Foggers offer the ultimate performance in a small package.

Xpower Foggers provide maximum coverage with minimal solution use. These devices are perfect for commercial, food service, greenhouse applications, as well as for schools, hospitals, senior care facilities, and more.

Xpower Fogger has a powerful motor for maximum reach and an adjustable nozzle for flow rate and droplet size adjustments. The ULV series features foggers with a reservoir that is easy to fill, its level window allows you to monitor the level of the liquid in a device.

Xpower foggers are used not just for cleaning, they are also perfect for agriculture and horticulture settings. A powerful spray distance and fine adjustments in droplet size make these devices ideal for disinfection, pest control, and irrigation. These Foggers can be used to apply disinfectants, biocides, insecticides, repellents, sanitizers, etc.

The versatility of Xpower Foggers makes them perfect for use in multiple industries and applications. For instance, in the agriculture and farming industries, they can be used for disinfection and pest control. For greenhouse fogging, powerful spray distance and ultrafine droplets make these devices useful for expanded coverage and ease of application of water or pest control.

Xpower ULV Foggers are among the most compact and versatile units, each device is an industry-leading choice for your fogging needs.

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