Ttp-225, Printer, Lcd Display, 203 DPI, 5 IPS, 4 Mb Flash, 8mb Dram, Real-time Clock, Usb, Serial, Includes Power Supply, Power Cable, Usb Cable, 110 Meter Ribbon
high Quality Double Walled Clamshell DesignHigh quality double walled clamshell design
The TSC TTP-225 delivers premium performance for most retail, medical and office applications at an affordable price. The TTP-225 features a user friendly clamshell design with a large 5" outer diameter center biased media capacity. Designed with no losable parts, it is the perfect size when you need a space-saving printer for 2" wide labels or tags. Simply open the cover and drop ylabels into the printers spring loaded media guide. Top of form sensing by gap, black mark, or notch is standard and completely adjustable from side to side. Choose either standard 203 DPI or higher resolution 300 DPI solutions. The TTP-225 features 203 DPI resolution and print speeds up to 5 IPS. The 300 DPI TTP-323 is ideal for 2D barcodes, fine text and small graphics labeling.