MSA, 10116927, ALTAIR 5X Detector Mono LEL, O2, CO, H2S, SO2, UL, Charcoal, Standard, Monochrome Display, 10' Line, 1' Probe
MSA's ALTAIR 5X Multigas Detector and PID is driven by the most advanced technology available in any portable gas detector on the market. The ALTAIR 5X outlasts the competition and delivers the most functionality with integrated XCell Sensors, PID and Bluetooth technology to meet current and future needs
- The ALTAIR 5X Detector is durable, providing world-class impact resistance
- The ALTAIR 5X Detector allows for industry-first LEL, O2, CO, H2S, and SO2 60-second span calibration and10-second bump test time
- The ALTAIR 5X Detector is equipped with internal integral pump.
- The ALTAIR 5X Detector is powered by the industry-leading MSA XCell® Sensor family
- Integrated PID sensor option for detection of VOCs
- The ALTAIR 5X Detector provides industry-exclusive end-of-sensor-life-warning.
- MotionAlert™ feature - "man-down" alarm
- Bluetooth wireless is standard with every ALTAIR 5X Detector.