A loading dock full of hustle and bustle is a sign of a healthy business, but all that activity can increase the hazards that employees are exposed to, and lead to injuries and even fatalities.
MARCOM'S "Loading Dock Safety" training products review the different types of hazards that employees can encounter while working on loading docks, as well as discuss the equipment and safe work practices that they should use to avoid them.
All of the products... original DVDs and full-length online courses as well as the "Micro-Learning" and "Adaptive Learning" courses... discuss topics that are integral to employees' understanding of these issues.
Topics covered in the products include:
- Safe working procedures.
- Preventing slips, trips and falls.
- Docking transport vehicles.
- Operating materials handling equipment on a dock.
- ...and more.
All "Loading Dock Safety" products in English.
The "Loading Dock Safety" MicroLearning curriculum includes the following 3 - 5 minute courses:
- "Safe Working Procedures"
- "Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls"
- "Docking Transport Vehicles"
- "Operating Materials Handling Equipment on a Dock"
For more information, please see Read more about the program