Marcom, V0003369ET, DVD Program Ladder Safety in Construction Environments
Much of the time, working off the ground on a job site means climbing a ladder. Ladders allow employees to work comfortably in places that are ordinarily out of their reach, and help them be more productive. But if they're not used safely, ladders can also lead to accidents and serious injuries.
MARCOM's "Ladder Safety in Construction Environments" program discusses different types of ladders, the hazards that can be associated with them, and how employees can work with them safely.
All of the products... original DVDs and full-length online courses as well as the "Micro-Learning" and "Adaptive Learning" courses... discuss topics that are integral to employees' understanding of these issues.
Topics covered in these products include:
- Selecting the proper ladder.
- Inspecting ladders before using them.
- Setting up and moving ladders.
- Climbing and working on ladders safely.
- Ladder accidents.
- ...and more.
All "Ladder Safety" products in English.
The "Ladder Safety in Construction Environments" MicroLearning curriculum includes the following 3 - 5 minute courses:
- "Selecting the Proper Ladder"
- "Inspecting Ladders Before Use"
- "Setting Up and Moving Ladders"
- "Climbing Ladders"
- "Working on Ladders"
- "Ladder Accidents"
For more information, please see Read more about the program