Marcom, K0002879EM, Hot Work Safety and the Permitting Process DVD Training Kit
K0002879EM Includes Only:
- MARCOM's Safety Meeting and Regulatory Compliance Kits provide all of the materials needed to promote and conduct a safety meeting.
- Each Kit contains a DVD program, 5 posters and 30 booklets. Many Regulatory Compliance Kits also contain a Compliance Manual, including a complete "fill-in-the-blank" written program.
- DVD programs are packaged in an attractive three-ring binder and come with an easy-to-use leader's guide, training certificate, scheduling and attendance forms, and an employee quiz.
"Hot work" includes any tasks that involve flame or high heat, or can act as an ignition source. One in five industrial fires are caused by hot work and it can create major problems on construction sites as well.
Hot work accidents result in more than $300 million in property damage and more than 30 fatalities per year, but these incidents are preventable.
MARCOM's "Hot Work Safety and the Permitting Process" training products discuss the hazards that can be encountered in hot work and focus on how employees can use the permitting process and other safe practices to perform these tasks more safely.
All of the products... original DVDs and full-length online courses as well as the "Micro-Learning" and "Adaptive Learning" courses... discuss topics that are integral to employees' understanding of these issues.
Topics covered in these products include:
- Hot work and its hazards.
- The purpose of a Hot Work Permit.
- First steps in the permitting process.
- Preparing the work area.
- Performing hot work safely.
- Hot work in confined spaces.
- ...and more.
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