K&K Systems, ECO-128-D12, ECO High Water Sensor, Double 12" Yellow LED, Polycarbonate Heads, 20 Watt Solar Panel, 12 volt DC Moisture Sensor Module
- Beacons utilize the most up to date solar and electronics to maintain power levels through rain, shine, sleet, or snow
- LED technology increases life expectancy of the beacon and also burns less energy than conventional bulbs
- NCHRP 350 Crash Tested and Accepted (National Cooperative Highway Research Program)
- Meets ITE Standards (Institute of Transportation Engineers)
- Meets MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices)
Designed for areas that need hazard beaconsto be activated only in emergency situations. Example; when fire trucks, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles exit the premises and need to get out quickly, safely, and in a timely manner. Using the system's wireless remote control, emergency personnel can activate the beacons in flash and let vehicular traffc know to use extreme caution when approaching area.
Two great features that make this system ideal for Fire stations, Hospitals, and other emergency locations where time and safety are of the utmost importance! With the push button WIRELESS remote control you will be able to activate the specialty warning flashers in a snap. This is great for those emergency situations where time is of the essence. CrossTalk is a compact all-in-one solar controller, flasher, and auto-dimmer.