BAPI, BA/10K-3-11K-CPFEP-YEL-20-BBX, Concave Remote Probe Temperature Sensors, Cable Length 20', Cable Color Yellow, BAPI-Box Crossover
- Waterproof, Double Encapsulated Sensors
- Concave Probe or Remote Probes
- FEP-Jacketed Cable in 5 Color Choices
The Concave Probes feature a 1.35" long brass encapsulation shell with a concave indention so that they fit on the outside of pipes such as condensor lines. Remote Probes feature a 1.75" long stainless steel probe without an indention. Both probes come with FEP-jacketed cable in a choice of 5 colors and lead lengths.
Remote probes are commonly used in refrigerators, freezers, dry storage, car wash bays and other hardto-access areas where immersion or duct sensors do not fit well.