BAPI, BA-10K-2-H205-B4X-60L6-Z-CG, BAPI-Stat "Quantum Prime" Temperature and Humidity Sensor, 10K-2 Thermistor, 0 to 5V Output, 0 to 10 KΩ, No Display, Cool/Warm, No Override, Common Ground
- BAPI-Stat "Quantum Prime" Enclosure Style with Higher Contrast Display for Improved Clarity at Greater Distances
- Membrane Keypad for Wipedown Cleaning
- Temperature and Humidity Setpoint Adjustment
The BAPI-Stat "Quantum Prime" is designed for operating rooms, clean rooms, and eldercare facilities. It features a large display and membrane keypad for wipedown cleaning. It is reliable with temperature and humidity measurement, temperature and humidity setpoint, and occupant override. The unit includes a number of field adjustments including °F or °C display, temperature and humidity offset, and setpoint lockout. The display can also be set to show a large temperature and small %RH reading or a large %RH and a small temperature reading.