CN80-L0N-1MC120F Includes Only:
- Mobile Computer (CN80, 3GB, 32GB, Numeric, EX20 Near Far Imager, Camera, 802.11a/b/g/n, WLAN, Bluetooth, Android 7 GMS, Client Pack, Standard Temperature, FCC)
NOTE: Interface cables and cradles sold separately: Single Bay Charging Base (Part# CN80-HB-CNV-1), Quad Bay Charging Base (Part# CN80-CB-CNV-1), Single Standard Battery (Part# CX80-BAT-STD-00), Quad Bay Battery Charger (Part# CX80-QBC-UV-1), Scan Handle (Part# CN80-SH-DC).
Scan distance is from 6 inches to about 40 feet, dependent on the mil size of the barcode.
Best of Both Worlds, Keys and Touchscreen
Whether you're transitioning to touchscreen capabilities or you're key-dependent due to the nature of your business, the Honeywell Dolphin CN80 handheld computer can help you improve the speed and accuracy of operations while positioning you for the future. This rugged, Android-compatible handheld computer features full-touch capabilities plus real keys for fast data entry at high transaction rates even in severe settings.