HSM is a leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art shredders for diverse business, governmental, educational, and personal documentation disposal. As a shredder expert, HSM has developed a few core rules in choosing the one that will serve you reliably for years.

Firstly, HSM has three main types of shredders: strip-cut, cross-cut, and high-security shredders. The strip-cut machine is preferable for private use or small businesses. Depending on the security level of your documents and organization, there are two other variants with a corresponding increase in the level of security and shredding.

Secondly, HSM shredders have a range from 8 inches to 18 inches feed opening width. It is important to tale into consideration the size of your documents.

Thirdly, pay attention to the shredding power of the device. The shredder's output is measured in pounds per hour and is an indication of the speed and power. Depending on the frequency of use, choose the kind of power that suits you best.

The HSM brand is committed to excellence. You can find HSM shredders at Prime Buy. Place your order right now!


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