Gardner Bender

Gardner Bender is a leading manufacturer of electrical and test equipment, network & wiring solutions, and more...

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Gardner Bender

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Gardner Bender Products List

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For over 60 years, Gardner Bender has been manufacturing top-quality conduit bending and conduit fishing equipment, electrical connection supplies, tools, and wire management products.


  • It all began with the manufacturing of patented aluminum conduit benders.
  • In 16 years, Gardner Benders had a wide range of products, including 13 different types of hand benders, 3 types of fish tapes, and more tools & instruments for electricians.
  • Nowadays, there are versatile Gardner Bender products that help you install, connect, fasten, test, and troubleshoot electrical wires and circuits.
  • Choose from the best solutions for electrical installation and maintenance: cable ties, wire connectors, hand tools, and other instruments and parts.

Gardner Bender offers affordable products that meet the highest standards in terms of design, manufacturing, and testing. The company is carrying a comprehensive, up-to-date product line, besides, being known for award-winning innovation.

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