Electro Cam

Electro Cam offers products that are used in an array of position sensing & control applications.

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Electro Cam

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Electro Cam Products List

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At Prime Buy, you can choose from a wide range of reliable solutions from Electro Cam, including programmable limit switches, rotary cam limit switches, encoders, the list goes on!

The company’s programmable limit switches are utilized in rotating-shaft control applications. 

Rotary cam limit switches are ideal for applications that are set up once and then run for long periods of time (e.g. palletizers, case packers, high-speed presses, and more).

Electro Cam encoders can be a great solution for packaging machines, pick & place operations, food processing equipment, etc.

Find the right product for your specific application! Shop with us!

Electro Cam - Proven. Rugged. Reliable

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